Medical Tourism Consultancy

In medical tourism, people aim to regain their health by traveling outside the country of residence to receive medical care. After their treatment, people can benefit from other traditional tourism activities without returning to their countries. With the increase in this field, governments have started to produce special policies for the context. Today, when international competition is rapidly increasing, medical tourism provides serious input to the economies of the country as a sustainable field with high added value

Clavis Consultancy For Medical Tourism
Clavis provides consultancy services to private and public health institutions, insurance companies, tourism agencies, intermediary institutions, doctors, employers and investors, governments, and other healthcare sector stakeholders that provide services in the field of international patients.With its planning, coordination and promotion activities, Clavis consultancy enables its customers to stand out in the international market in medical tourism.
Clavis creates awareness about the high quality healthcare services available in our country and contributes to the positive and sustainable growth of our country’s health tourism and customers by focusing strongly on the market and communication strategies.
Every day we see how the globalization of healthcare has created a flat world. We exchange international technology, information, communication, physicians and patients. Clavis combines all these in one pot and works to make it an international and sustainable health tourism brand for its customers. Clavis provides medical tourism services to institutions and organizations that want to be active in the sector and want to bring patients from abroad with its knowledge, experience and communication network that it has acquired over the years in health tourism while providing guidance for the patients and their attendants willing to come to Turkey for health care
Headlines of Medical Tourism Consultancy Services
- Marketing and product development
- Target market strategies and product positioning in the target market
- The way to become an international brand
- Event marketing and networking strategies
- International project development and finance
- Product development
- Operation process planning
- Tourism services
- International patient department strategies
- Establishment of post-treatment follow-up system